Total revenues increased by 2 percent or $61 million from 2008 to 2009. While revenues from all other sources increased, revenues from the state decreased by $103 million or 17 percent. The largest increase was in revenue from student fees and tuition, which increased by $52 million, or 17 percent. Other significant increases included a 10 percent or $33 million increase in funding from the federal government and 12 percent or $17 million increase in funding from private contracts, gifts and grants. Medical Center revenues increased by $49 million. Revenues from all other sources went up by $13 million.
Operating expenditures grew by $101 million over 2008, including increases of $34 million for research, $8 million for academic support and $4 million for student services and financial aid, auxiliary enterprises, and instructional support. The Medical Center’s expenditures increased by $56 million. Expenditures for public service and operation and maintenance of plant decreased modestly relative to last year.
Additional information is available on the campus facts website.
- Revenues
- Operating Expenditures