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UC Davis 2010 Annual Progress Report

Select 2010 distinctions

  • UC Davis’ School of Medicine recently launched a program called Rural-PRIME to train medical students for a career in rural primary-care medicine.

First among national research universities in number of papers written in fields that reflect our strength in sustainability: environment and ecology. Also, first in number of papers in peer-reviewed journals on food science and technology; and first in number of citations in peer-reviewed journals on agricultural sciences and related fields

Science Watch, Thomson Reuters, 2010

Sixth among U.S. universities based on their contributions to society

Washington Monthly, 2010

Ninth overall among U.S. public research universities and 39th among all U.S. research universities

U.S. News & World Report, 2010

Fourth among U.S. universities in the number of international scholars

—“Open Doors 2008 Report on International Educational Exchange”